Why use WhatsApp for dating?
Let’s face it: online dating can feel like a minefield. Between using multiple apps, worrying about what to say, and worrying about whether that almost-too-perfect Tinder profile is a scam or not, you have to not only be worried about what’s out there but about potential security issues. No one wants a “catfish” story about their online dating experience. They just want honest, secure, private conversations with potential dates.
For that reason, many people turn to WhatsApp for dating. But if you’re interested in using WhatsApp to improve your online dating profile experience, how can you use it, and why?Here are the benefits and advantages of using WhatsApp when it’s time to start meeting new people and how Slyfone can be the perfect companion with this service.

Benefit #1: WhatsApp is Free
For starters, WhatsApp is a free application. It can sometimes be challenging to know what to pay for and what not to with online dating apps. After all, many online-dating platforms like Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge won’t only ask for your contact information but will hope you also supply your credit card information. And premium dating sites are no better because they can sometimes charge a fee just for using their service in the first place.
Connecting with someone using a free dating app and then transferring to WhatsApp means you can use all the security features of WhatsApp without upgrading to “premium.” This gives you all of the advantages of dating sites without worrying about potential scammers trying to get at your essential information.
Benefit #2: WhatsApp is Easy to Use
When someone asks for your phone number on an online dating platform, connecting via WhatsApp can feel like the next, more straightforward step. The navigation is easy to set up and work through, organizing your conversations by most recent. You’ll also find that they’re easy to separate, keep private, and scroll through, which means it’s easy to reference earlier WhatsApp texts if you need to.
In short, WhatsApp is a cinch to use. It’s designed to work just like texting, which means that you can use it intuitively to chat with someone you met on an online dating platform. Rather than going through the platform’s text features themselves—which can sometimes feel a bit intrusive and limited—connecting through WhatsApp will feel like having someone on your phone.
Benefit #3: WhatsApp Works Across Multiple Devices
You want to send someone a gif or meme as your work your way through those early conversations. But maybe your phone has trouble when sending through an online dating platform. WhatsApp is a bit of a “universal translator” app for phones. This isn’t to say that it will translate everything you say into other languages, but it will make every phone work intuitively for chatting, texting, and, of course, those vital memes and gifs.
For example, if you’ve ever tried texting or DMing through social media, you’ll likely find the features not robust enough. Or maybe they’re not highly compatible with your phone, making it difficult to send and receive messages. WhatsApp cuts through this by offering a simple, clean interface for texting no matter what kind of phone you may be using.
You won’t even be limited to phones when you’re using WhatsApp. You can even use it on computers, making it easier to choose your best experience. Rather than being at the mercy of these online dating platforms, you can choose how you interact on WhatsApp.
Benefit #4: Better Security
Before you send that first “lol,” you have to be sure of one thing: you don’t want to interact with a fake profile. Most people can figure this out from a red flag or two, but when someone uses a messaging app the right way, you can be sure you’re interacting with a live human being—and not some bot or fake profile trying to get your credit card information.
WhatsApp also uses end-to-end encryption, enhancing the security of the messages you exchange on the platform. Rather than working with a dating website that you’re not too familiar with, you can exchange text messages or have a video call with the confidence of knowing that not every hacker in the world is going to see what you’re doing. And this is more important in dating conversations than in everyday conversations. After all, you’re going through enough—figuring out how to get the first date, engaging someone for the first time, dealing with ghosting, arranging hangouts, or determining who’s in it for the hook-up and who’s in it for the long haul. It all comes down to one thing: better security is always a plus when you’re texting with someone new.
Making the Most of WhatsApp in Online Dating
Phishing is a real problem these days. Someone can be doing something perfectly innocent, like trying to meet someone online for a great first date, and someone else will send them a phishing link. Unfortunately, it’s a cold reality that people are looking to take advantage of your willingness to click what people send you. Right now, SMS or Snapchat aren’t always enough to make sure you’re secure. You have to use an app you feel comfortable with.
In trying to meet someone you can date in real life, you have to suss out whether they’re real or just another “KIK” ID. You can use WhatsApp to engage them personally safely and reliably rather than running a reverse image search on everyone you come across. So as you start swiping on those dating apps, remember that not all pics will be real, genuine people. And that’s okay.
As you try to learn whether you and a new match have compatibility with each other, your primary concern shouldn’t be whether they’re a fake profile or not. Using WhatsApp can help you get to know each other on more secure terms.
Slyfone is the perfect complementary service for anyone who uses or plants to use WhatsApp. Slyfone offers a high-quality virtual US phone number for WhatsApp. Not only that, but you can skip the verification process since the app has a built-in activation feature. You can even use an old phone without activating it with a phone company, which means no wireless carrier bills!. The app just works perfectly with Whatsapp!